Privacy Policy & Security Statement

Who we are

We are Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet. Our website address is:

Privacy and Security Statement

Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet knows that you care how your personal information may be collected, processed and used; we appreciate your trust that Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet will do so carefully and sensibly. This notice describes the Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet privacy policy. By visiting Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy and Security statement.

The information provided by you helps us personalize and continually improve your experience at Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet. Here are the types of information we gather.

  •  Information You Give Us: We receive and store information you enter on the Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet website or that you may provide to Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet in any other manner.
    Certain of the information provided on registration is mandatory to assist us in ensuring that the communications and transactions entered into with you may be completed effectively and lawfully.
  •  Automatic Information: Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet receives and stores certain types of information whenever you interact on the Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet website or communicate with Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet by email. For example, like many Web sites, we use “cookies,” and we obtain certain types of information when your web browser accesses Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet.
  •  E-mail Communications: To help us make e-mails more useful, we may receive a confirmation when you open e-mail from the Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet website, if your computer supports such capabilities.

By providing the information to Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet you consent to Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet collecting maintaining, storing and processing the information, provided that Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet shall:

  •  Not disclose your personal information to a third party other than to communicate information or effect the transactions agreed to by you in using
    the Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet website, without obtaining your express consent to do so;
  •  Only disclose your personal information, without your consent, if legally required to do so;
  •  Be entitled to use the information provided by you to compile statistical or aggregated information in such a way that you may not be identified.

While Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet and its affiliates shall take commercially reasonable care to safeguard the information provided by you to Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet from unauthorized access or disclosure, Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet does not represent or guarantee that the safeguards will provide absolute protection. Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet does not, assume any liability whatsoever in relation to this Web Site and you hereby indemnify and hold harmless Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet against any foreseeable or unforeseeable loss, liability, expense, claims, damages, costs, or penalties, whether direct or indirect, arising from the information provided by you to Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet.

Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet shall not be obliged to encrypt any information sent to you, received from you, stored on your behalf for the purposes agreed in this Privacy and Security Statement.

Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet shall own and retain all rights to non-personal statistical information compiled by it which may be derived from your communications with it.

The copyright in the Terms of Use, Privacy Statement and Terms of Trade displayed on the Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet website vests in the owner of Depi(Pty)Ltd. also known as Depijet.